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Saturday, September 27, 2008

drifting from tengku djan


Thursday, September 25, 2008

TITLE: 3 Highly Effective Website Traffic Tips

TITLE: 3 Highly Effective Website Traffic Tips

Building a website for your product or services is just the first step to promoting your business online. But, just because you build it does not mean that the customers will come. The next and most important step in promoting your business online is to increase your website traffic. Here are three great website traffic tips you can use to produce online sales.

The very first thing you should do before you even try any of these traffic tips is to carefully inspect your website. Click on each link on the site to confirm that they all work. Having dead links on a site can be catastrophic to your business and to your sales. Double check for misspellings and major grammatical errors. It’s also a good idea to view your site on different web browsers to make sure that it stays intact.

You should also have a tracking code installed on your site so you can see what’s working for you and what parts of your business and marketing need improvement. Google Analytics has a free tracking code you can use to monitor your website traffic. It is critical that you are able to see how much traffic your website receives, where it is coming from and how long your visitors are staying on your site. Once you have completed these tasks, it is time to use some of the following website traffic tips.

Traffic tip number one is something you have likely heard of - article marketing. The idea behind this is that you write articles around specific keywords that pertain to your product or service. Then you submit these articles to some of the many article directories found on the Internet. This is a very powerful technique that can generate lots of website traffic for months to come.

The second traffic tip is to buy your website traffic. An easy way to do this is by using a Google AdWords campaign. It’s the fastest way to get traffic, but it can also be the most expensive. The idea behind this tip is that you develop a Google ad to be placed on the search engine pages. You will be billed every time someone clicks on your ad. But it is very important that you take the time to learn the ins and outs of a Google AdWords campaign. Getting into this particular website traffic generator without intensive research can cost you a lot of money, but it can also pay off in a big way.

Traffic tip number three is blogs. An easy way to generate more traffic is to search for blogs that relate to your product or service. Leave comments on these blogs, making sure you have a link to your site in your comment. Doing this on a significant number of blogs can give you a good amount of traffic to your site for free. You should also start your own blog.

So there you have some great website traffic tips. Keep in mind that building the website is just the first step to having a successful online business, but a crucial one. You have got to have the traffic to make the sales. These traffic tips are just a few in a list of hundreds. By using multiple ways of generating traffic to your sites, you will be well on your way to online success.


If you've been looking for simple, yet powerful ways to drive more traffic to your website - without spending a lot of money to do it - then you're in for real treat.

For a limited time, internet marketer Justin Michie is giving away a free report that shows you how he generates 100’s of thousands of unique visitors each month and how you can do the same.

For more information, or to download your free copy, please click


TITLE: Traffic Generation Methods

TITLE: Traffic Generation Methods

One of the most frustrating things for a website owner is finding ways to generate website traffic. There are literally millions and millions of websites on the internet. Your site is just one in this sea of millions. So how do you get potential customers to find your site? Here are a few tips on implementing good traffic generation methods.

If you think about it, your website is a lot like a traditional brick and mortar store. If you were to open up a store in your city or town, the first thing you would do is advertise. It is critical that you get the word out that you are open for business. Without a steady flow of customers or ‘traffic’ your business will die.

The same principle applies to a website. You need to be able to effectively get the word out that your website is open for business. In order to be successful when you have so much competition it’s important that you study and become good at various traffic generation methods. If you cannot drive traffic to your site, your online business will die.

So how do you go about finding effective traffic generation methods? A good way to uncover great methods is to find someone who has already mastered traffic generation for their own business. It’s much easier to find a person who is successful on the internet already and follow his or her advice than to try and figure it out on your own. There are many people on the internet who say they can show you how to “make a million dollars in five days,” but they haven’t made the first dollar themselves. By doing a little bit of research, you should be able to find a legitimate marketer and follow his or her advice on how to generate website traffic.

There are many great traffic generation methods you can use to increase the amount of quality visitors you get to your site. It’s a good idea to learn and implement as many of these methods as you possibly can. Be sure to test each method you use to determine how successful it is for your particular site. This will allow you to scrap the methods that don’t work for you and focus on the ones that bring in the most traffic. Follow the advice of someone who knows how to generate website traffic and you can’t go wrong.


If you've been looking for simple, yet powerful ways to drive more traffic to your website - without spending a lot of money to do it - then you're in for real treat.

For a limited time, internet marketer Justin Michie is giving away a free report that shows you how he generates 100’s of thousands of unique visitors each month and how you can do the same.

For more information, or to download your free copy, please click here.


TITLE: How To Get More Traffic To Your Website

TITLE: How To Get More Traffic To Your Website

As an online business owner, finding new ways to increase website traffic should be one of your top priorities. There are literally hundreds of ways to generate traffic. Some methods are free and some can be quite costly. The free methods are fine to use if you don’t have a lot of money starting out. But when the profits start coming in, you should invest some of that money back into your business with some great paid traffic generation methods. Below are some vital things you must do if you want to get and keep quality visitors – before you even think about paying for your traffic.

One of the most effective ways to increase website traffic is to offer original, quality content on your site. You should have information on your site that visitors cannot find anywhere else. Make sure the content is useful. Give out information that will help your visitors solve a problem, achieve a goal or be entertained. Update your site at least weekly with more quality information to keep it fresh.

Another way to get website traffic is to focus your content on the keywords related to your site. This is called search engine optimization or SEO. The importance of SEO cannot be stressed enough. Don’t just stuff a bunch of keywords onto your site and think that you have optimized it. You want to make sure the keywords you use flow naturally within the content. Be careful not to overdo it with too many keywords because this can result in very low search engine rankings. SEO is a fine balance of the right keywords, in the right amount, placed in the right areas on your site. Become proficient at SEO and you will be unstoppable.

Now that you have your search engine optimized site up with original, quality, content, it’s time to get linked. This is a very powerful way to increase website traffic. Exchange your website link with other sites that are closely related to your site. Just be careful to only exchange links with high quality sites. You don’t want to ruin your online reputation by having links to junk sites on your website. By exchanging links with a website that is already doing a lot of traffic, you can get a lot of traffic of your own. This method is free and it works fast.

Finally, you need to advertise. There are hundreds of ways you can advertise your website. Find out ways to advertise from a reputable Internet marketer. This information will be like gold to you. Use the methods that he or she recommends and you can have thousands of visitors to your site each day.

Getting website traffic may seem like an impossible task at first. But the more you learn about traffic generation methods, the easier it will become. One thing that any website owner has got to learn is patience. Traffic doesn’t usually appear overnight. It builds up over time. As long as you are seeing a steady increase in the amount of traffic your site is getting, you are doing things right.


If you've been looking for simple, yet powerful ways to drive more traffic to your website - without spending a lot of money to do it - then you're in for real treat.

For a limited time, internet marketer Justin Michie is giving away a 
free report that shows you how he generates 100’s of thousands of unique visitors each month and how you can do the same.

For more information, or to download your free copy, please click


TITLE: Why You’ll Want The Traffic Tips Report By Justin Michie

TITLE: Why You’ll Want The Traffic Tips Report By Justin Michie

The Traffic Tips Report is a free report from Justin Michie that can solve all of your web traffic generation problems (It's free for a limited time from here.) It outlines 247 unique ways to generate traffic to your websites and blogs. You may be familiar with some of these methods, but I guarantee there are some methods that you’ve never thought of before.

The report will benefit you no matter how long you have been marketing on the internet. Beginners and old pros alike can find traffic methods in this report that will increase their daily unique visitors.

Many internet marketers use AdSense ads to make money. The traffic generation tips you’ll find in this report can greatly increase your ad clicks. And of course more ad clicks translates into a lot more money.

It’s also much easier to setup JV partner relationships if you have a successful website that receives a high volume of traffic. Most potential JV partners want to see a profitable product or website before they will consider a joint venture with you. So the very first step to securing a JV partner is to get lots of traffic flowing to your site. This free report can show you how to do just that.

Another way to use the methods in the report is to build a list of responsive buyers. A large email list of people who are ready to buy can make you tens of thousand of dollars every month. That’s something that’s worth putting a little extra effort into and this report gives you hundreds of ideas to increase your traffic – which of course leads to more opt-ins to your list.

All of us doing business online are facing huge amounts of competition. The sheer volume of websites on the internet are indication enough. So it’s absolutely critical that you gain as much publicity as you can. The tips in this report will show you how to do that. Some of the methods mentioned can get your website address in front of millions of people. What do you think that will do to the traffic to your site?

The Traffic Tips Report is a goldmine of information. These are methods that anyone can use – many don’t cost a cent and are easy to do immediately. The report is free, so you really have nothing to risk by getting your hands on this awesome resource. You can grab a copy by clicking here - free for a limited time.


TITLE: A Review Of The Traffic Tips Report By Justin Michie

TITLE: A Review Of The Traffic Tips Report By Justin Michie

I recently picked up a copy of Justin Michie’s Traffic Tips Report (Free for a limited time from here). Let’s face it, getting traffic to your website or blog is a never ending challenge. But it’s a necessary challenge, because without traffic you can’t do much of anything. So you are probably – like me – always on the lookout for new traffic generation methods and as many good ways to do it as you possibly can.

The Traffic Tips Report claims to do just that. This is a recently released report from expert internet marketer Justin Michie. Being an internet marketer himself, Justin should have a good hold on traffic generation. But as with anything online I thought it was worth taking a closer look. And the results were actually quite impressive.

For starters, the report doesn’t just show you a few ways to generate website traffic, it delivers 247 unique ways to get traffic to your site. Right from the start that’s something that any website or blog owner can use. On top of that, the report is actually free! Justin is currently giving it away to anyone who wants it.

And even though it’s free, the methods outlined in this report should be able to increase your traffic significantly in just a matter of days. The great thing about this report is that it includes both free and paid traffic generation methods. So whether you are just starting out and you have time to invest but little money, or you’ve been making money online for awhile and have the money but not the time – there are plenty of ideas in here to up your traffic stats.

Just don’t let the amount of ideas in here overwhelm you – don’t try to do it all at once, pace yourself! Some of the methods will result in short term traffic and others will result in long term traffic. If you start with a few of short term and a few long term methods from this report you can give your site a quick burst of traffic right away while building long term traffic. This will help your traffic grow quickly and still sustain itself so you’ll be getting plenty of visitors month after month.

The report has been reviewed by some of the most successful and well known internet marketers. Joel Comm and Willie Crawford both highly recommended it, when Justin was charging money for it. (It had been selling at the discounted rate of $7 at Joel calls it a “really valuable resource” that all internet marketers should have. And Willie “recommends it to all of his clients and subscribers.” When you have endorsements like these you really can’t go wrong!

Another great thing about this report is that it will work for any type of niche. It doesn’t matter if you have a website on puppies or a blog about day trading. There are traffic generation methods in it that will work for everyone and every niche.

As we all know the internet is constantly evolving. To be successful, you have got to stay ahead of your competition. You can easily do this by using some of these unique marketing methods Justin has outlined. If you use just one of these methods, you could easily double the amount of traffic you are receiving. Just imagine what could happen if you use ten, fifty or all 247? You would have a traffic explosion! All from one little report.

So if you are looking for unique ways to drive more traffic to your site, you really need to look no further than the Traffic Tips Report. If you want a copy (while it’s still free) you can download it from here. It's a no brainer decision!

TITLE: Why I Love The Traffic Tips Report

TITLE: Why I Love The Traffic Tips Report

The Traffic Tips Report is a short report by Justin Michie that boasts 247 ways to drive traffic to your sites and blogs. And right now it’s free for a limited time only from this website.

So is it really necessary to have 247 different ways to generate traffic? I’d say yes.

Like a lot of online business owners, I have websites in all different types of niches. Therefore the more options I have for traffic generation, the better. Some methods may not fit for one niche, but it may be just the thing to flood another niche site with traffic.

I have read through the Traffic Tips Report several times and it seems each time I read it, I discover something I missed before. Some of these traffic generation methods are so simple, but so overlooked, it’s insane.

A very important part of this report is about where you promote your websites. A lot of times website owners will concentrate on promoting their site just on the web. I know I have been guilty of having tunnel vision when it comes to this. The report is helpful in that it goes beyond this thinking and lists quite a few ways to promote your site offline. This can give you a major advantage because your competition is probably not thinking about these kinds of traffic generation strategies.

I know that a lot of times I get into a rut and try to same old traffic generation methods day in and day out. And I realize these methods may not be the best way to get traffic to my site. But when I try to think up new ways to generate traffic, I usually come up with nothing. That is why this report comes in so handy. I save myself a ton of time by just going down the list of traffic generation methods. I choose the one I want to try and give it a go. If it doesn’t work for my niche I can make a note about it and try the next one. I now have a valuable resource at my disposal that I can refer to any time I need more traffic.

This report is very easy to read and understand. It doesn’t hold your hand, but it does contain links to the sites that you can visit to increase your exposure. After using these sites, I have noticed a significant increase in traffic to my sites.

Justin Michie has put together an extremely useful resource here – putting years of research into a single report. If you are dedicated to your online business and are serious about generating more traffic, you need to get the Traffic Tips Report. My only regret when it comes to this report is that I wish I would have gotten it sooner. If you haven’t gotten it yet, you can pick up a copy by clicking here.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why I think PayDotCom is the Best Affiliate Marketplace on the Net!


hafizul bin ishak here...

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hafizul bin ishak

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

M16 rifles

M16 rifle
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Rifle, 5.56 mm, M16

M16A1, M16A2, M4, M16A4, from top to bottom
Type Assault rifle
Place of origin Flag of the United States United States
Service history
In service 1961–present
Used by United States of America, See Production and usage
Wars Vietnam War-present
Production history
Designer Eugene Stoner
L. James Sullivan[1]
Designed 1957
Manufacturer Colt Defense
Produced 1960-present
Number built Approx. 8 million[citation needed]
Variants See Variants
Specifications (M16A2)
Weight 8.5 lb (3.9 kg)
Length 39.5 in (1,000 mm)
Barrel length 20 in (508 mm)
Cartridge 5.56x45mm NATO
Action Gas-operated, rotating bolt
Rate of fire 800-900 rounds/min, cyclic depending on model
Muzzle velocity 3,200 ft/s (975 m/s) (M16A1)
3,050 ft/s (930 m/s) (M16A2)
Effective range 550 m (600 yd)
Feed system Various STANAG Magazines.

M16 (more formally United States Rifle II, Caliber 5.56 mm, M16) is the U.S. military designation for a family of rifles derived from the ArmaLite AR-15 and further developed by Colt starting in the mid-20th century.

The M16 rifle family including the M16/A1/A2/A3/A4 has been the primary infantry rifle of the United States military since the 1960s. With its variants, it has been in use by 15 NATO countries, and is the most produced firearm in its caliber. The M16 entered Army service in 1964.


Hurricane Katrina near peak strength on August 28, 2005
Formed August 23, 2005
Dissipated August 30, 2005
175 mph (280 km/h) (1-minute sustained)
Lowest pressure 902 mbar (hPa; 26.65 inHg)
Fatalities 1,836 confirmed, 705 missing[1][2]
Damage $81.2 billion (2005 USD)
$89.6 billion (2008 USD)
(Costliest Atlantic hurricane in history)
affected Bahamas, South Florida, Cuba, Louisiana (especially Greater New Orleans), Mississippi, Alabama, Florida Panhandle, most of eastern North America
Part of the
2005 Atlantic hurricane season
Hurricane Katrina

2005 Atlantic hurricane season

Hurricane Katrina of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season was the costliest hurricane, as well as one of the five deadliest, in the history of the United States.[3] Among recorded Atlantic hurricanes, it was the sixth strongest overall. Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005, and crossed southern Florida as a moderate Category 1 hurricane, causing some deaths and flooding there before strengthening rapidly in the Gulf of Mexico. The storm weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 storm on the morning of Monday, August 29 in southeast Louisiana. It caused severe destruction along the Gulf coast from central Florida to Texas, much of it due to the storm surge. The most severe loss of life and property damage occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana, which flooded as the levee system catastrophically failed, in many cases hours after the storm had moved inland.[4] The federal flood protection system in New Orleans failed at more than fifty spots. Nearly every levee in metro New Orleans was breached as Hurricane Katrina passed just east of the city limits. Eventually 80% of the city became flooded and also large tracts of neighboring parishes, and the floodwaters lingered for weeks.[4] At least 1,836 people combined lost their lives in the actual hurricane and in the subsequent floods, making it the deadliest U.S. hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane. The storm is estimated to have been responsible for $81.2 billion (2005 U.S. dollars) in damage, making it the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history.

The failure of the New Orleans flood protection system prompted a congressional investigation into the Army Corps of Engineers, which by statute has sole responsibility for it. Other congressional investigations were launched into response of the federal, state and local governments, resulting in the resignation of Federal Emergency Management Agency director Michael D. Brown. Conversely, the National Hurricane Center and National Weather Service were widely commended for accurate forecasts and abundant lead time.[5] Three years later, thousands of displaced residents in Mississippi and Louisiana were still living in trailers.

Hurricane Katrina formed as Tropical Depression Twelve over the southeastern Bahamas on August 23, 2005 as the result of an interaction of a tropical wave and the remains of Tropical Depression Ten. The system was upgraded to tropical storm status on the morning of August 24 and at this point, the storm was given the name Katrina. The tropical storm continued to move towards Florida, and became a hurricane only two hours before it made landfall between Hallandale Beach and Aventura, Florida on the morning of August 25. The storm weakened over land, but it regained hurricane status about one hour after entering the Gulf of Mexico.

The storm rapidly intensified after entering the Gulf, growing from a Category 3 hurricane to a Category 5 hurricane in just nine hours. This rapid growth was due to the storm's movement over the "unusually warm" waters of the Loop Current, which increased wind speeds. On Saturday, August 27, the storm reached Category 3 intensity on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, becoming the third major hurricane of the season. An eyewall replacement cycle disrupted the intensification, but caused the storm to nearly double in size. Katrina again rapidly intensified, attaining Category 5 status on the morning of August 28 and reached its peak strength at 1:00 p.m. CDT that day, with maximum sustained winds of 175 mph (280 km/h) and a minimum central pressure of 902 mbar. The pressure measurement made Katrina the fourth most intense Atlantic hurricane on record at the time, only to be surpassed by Hurricanes Rita and Wilma later in the season; it was also the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Gulf of Mexico at the time (a record also later broken by Rita)

Katrina made its second landfall at 6:10 a.m. CDT on Monday, August 29 as a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of 125 mph (205 km/h) near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana. At landfall, hurricane-force winds extended outward 120 miles (190 km) from the center and the storm's central pressure was 920 mbar. After moving over southeastern Louisiana and Breton Sound, it made its third landfall near the Louisiana/Mississippi border with 120 mph (195 km/h) sustained winds, still at Category 3 intensity.

Katrina maintained strength well into Mississippi, finally losing hurricane strength more than 150 miles (240 km) inland near Meridian, Mississippi. It was downgraded to a tropical depression near Clarksville, Tennessee, but its remnants were last distinguishable in the eastern Great Lakes region on August 31, when it was absorbed by a frontal boundary. The resulting extratropical storm moved rapidly to the northeast and affected eastern Canada.

New Proton Mpv

What you all opinion?

Monday, September 15, 2008

fun clip



Do you have your own world-wide-web yet?
